Format Specifiers
There are many format specifiers defined in C. Take a look at the following list:
%i or %d | int |
%c | char |
%f | float (see also the note below) |
%s | string |
Note: %f stands for float, but C language has also a thing called “default argument promotions”.
Default argument promotions happen in variadic functions. Variadic functions are functions (e.g. printf) which take a variable number of arguments. When a variadic function is called, after lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer conversions, each argument that is a part of the variable argument list undergoes additional conversions known as default argument promotions:
Default argument promotions happen in variadic functions. Variadic functions are functions (e.g. printf) which take a variable number of arguments. When a variadic function is called, after lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer conversions, each argument that is a part of the variable argument list undergoes additional conversions known as default argument promotions:
- float arguments are converted to double as in floating-point promotion
- bool, char, short, and unscoped enumerations are converted to int or wider integer types as in integer promotion
Formatted I/O
- I/O is essentially done one character (or byte) at a time
- stream -- a sequence of characters flowing from one place to another
- input stream: data flows from input device (keyboard, file, etc) into memory
- output stream: data flows from memory to output device (monitor, file, printer, etc)
- Standard I/O streams (with built-in meaning)
- stdin: standard input stream (default is keyboard)
- stdout: standard output stream (defaults to monitor)
- stderr: standard error stream
- stdio.h -- contains basic I/O functions
- scanf: reads from standard input (stdin)
- printf: writes to standard output (stdout)
- There are other functions similar to printf and scanf that write to and read from other streams
- How to include, for C or C++ compiler
#include <stdio.h> // for a C compiler #include <cstdio> // for a C++ compiler
- Formatted I/O -- refers to the conversion of data to and from a stream of characters, for printing (or reading) in plain text format
- All text I/O we do is considered formatted I/O
- The other option is reading/writing direct binary information (common with file I/O, for example)
Output with printf
- The basic format of a printf function call is:
printf (format_string, list_of_expressions);
where:- format_string is the layout of what's being printed
- list_of_expressions is a comma-separated list of variables or expressions yielding results to be inserted into the output
- To output string literals, just use one parameter on printf, the string itself
printf("Hello, world!\n"); printf("Greetings, Earthling\n\n");
Conversion Specifiers
A conversion specifier is a symbol that is used as a placeholder in a formatting string. For integer output (for example), %d is the specifier that holds the place for integers.Here are some commonly used conversion specifiers (not a comprehensive list):
%d int (signed decimal integer) %u unsigned decimal integer %f floating point values (fixed notation) - float, double %e floating point values (exponential notation) %s string %c character
Printing Integers
- To output an integer, use %d in the format string, and an integer expression in the list_of_expressions.
int numStudents = 35123; printf("FSU has %d students", numStudents); // Output: // FSU has 35123 students
- We can specify the field wicth (i.e. how many 'spaces' the item prints in). Defaults to right-justification. Place a number between the % and the d. In this example, field width is 10:
printf("FSU has %10d students", numStudents); // Output: // FSU has 35123 students
- To left justify, use a negative number in the field width:
printf("FSU has %-10d students", numStudents); // Output: // FSU has 35123 students
- If the field width is too small or left unspecified, it defaults to the minimum number of characters required to print the item:
printf("FSU has %2d students", numStudents); // Output: // FSU has 35123 students
- Specifying the field width is most useful when printing multiple lines of output that are meant to line up in a table format
Printing Floating-point numbers
- Use the %f modifer to print floating point values in fixed notation:
double cost = 123.45; printf("Your total is $%f today\n", cost); // Output: // Your total is $123.450000 today
- Use %e for exponential notation:
printf("Your total is $%e today\n", cost); // Output: // Your total is $1.234500e+02 today
Note that the e+02 means "times 10 to the 2nd power"
- You can also control the decimal precision, which is the number of places after the decimal. Output will round to the appropriate number of decimal places, if necessary:
printf("Your total is $%.2f today\n", cost); // Output: // Your total is $123.45 today
- Field width can also be controlled, as with integers:
printf("Your total is $%9.2f today\n", cost); // Output: // Your total is $ 123.45 today
In the conversion specifier, the number before the decimal is field width, and the number after is the precision. (In this example, 9 and 2).- %-9.2 would left-justify in a field width of 9, as with integers
Printing characters and strings
- Use the formatting specifier %c for characters. Default field size is 1 character:
char letter = 'Q'; printf("%c%c%c\n", '*', letter, '*'); // Output is: *Q*
- Use %s for printing strings. Field widths work just like with integers:
printf("%s%10s%-10sEND\n", "Hello", "Alice", "Bob"); // Output: // Hello AliceBob END
- To read data in from standard input (keyboard), we call the scanf function. The basic form of a call to scanf is:
scanf(format_string, list_of_variable_addresses);
- The format string is like that of printf
- But instead of expressions, we need space to store incoming data, hence the list of variable addresses
- If x is a variable, then the expression &x means "address of x"
- scanf example:
int month, day; printf("Please enter your birth month, followed by the day: "); scanf("%d %d", &month, &day);
- Conversion Specifiers
- Mostly the same as for output. Some small differences
- Use %f for type float, but use %lf for types double and long double
- The data type read, the conversion specifier, and the variable used need to match in type
- White space is skipped by default in consecutive numeric reads. But it is not skipped for character/string inputs.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; float f; char c; printf("Enter an integer and a float, then Y or N\n> "); scanf("%d%f%c", &i, &f, &c); printf("You entered:\n"); printf("i = %d, f = %f, c = %c\n", i, f, c); }
Sample run #1
User input underlined, to distinguish it from program outputEnter an integer and a float, then Y or N > 34 45.6Y You entered: i = 34, f = 45.600, c = Y
Sample Run #2
Enter an integer and a float, then Y or N > 12 34.5678 N You entered: i = 12, f = 34.568, c =Note that in this sample run, the character that was read was NOT the letter 'N'. It was the space. (Remember, white space not skipped on character reads).
This can be accounted for. Consider if the scanf line looked like this:
scanf("%d%f %c", &i, &f, &c);There's a space betwen the %f and the %c in the format string. This allows the user to type a space. Suppose this is the typed input:
12 34.5678 NThen the character variable c will now contain the 'N'.
Interactive Input
You can make input more interactive by prompting the user more carefully. This can be tedious in some places, but in many occasions, it makes programs more user-friendly. Example:int age; double gpa; char answer; printf("Please enter your age: "); scanf("%d", &age); printf("Please enter your gpa: "); scanf("%lf", %gpa); printf("Do you like pie (Y/N)? "); scanf("%c", %answer);A good way to learn more about scanf is to try various inputs in various combinations, and type in test cases -- see what happens!
printf/scanf with C-strings
An entire C-style string can be easily printed, by using the %s formatting symbol, along with the name of the char array storing the string (as the argument filling in that position):char greeting[] = "Hello"; printf("%s", greeting); // prints the word "Hello"Be careful to only use this on char arrays that are being used as C-style strings. (This means, only if the null character is present as a terminator).
Similarly, you can read a string into a char array with scanf. The following call allows the entry of a word (up to 19 characters and a terminating null character) from the keyboard, which is stored in the array word1:
char word1[20]; scanf("%s", word1);Characters are read from the keyboard until the first "white space" (space, tab, newline) character is encountered. The input is stored in the character array and the null character is automatically appended.
Note also that the & was not needed in the scanf call (word1 was used, instead of &word1). This is because the name of the array by itself (with no index) actually IS a variable that stores an address (a pointer).
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